URDD 2023 – Llongyfarchiadau / Congratulations

Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i ddisgyblion Ysgol Glanrafon am berfformiadau gwych yn yr Eisteddfod wythnos diwethaf. Rydym yn hynod o falch o bob un plentyn. Hoffwn ddiolch i’r holl ddisgyblion anhygoel, i chi fel rhieni am eich cefnogaeth cyson ac hefyd i’n hathrawon am ei hymrodddiad arbennig. 

Huge congratulations to Ysgol Glanrafon’s pupils on their performances at the Urdd Eisteddfod last week. We are extremely proud of all of them. We would like to thank our amazing pupils, you as parents for your continued support and to our special staff for their commitment. 
Dyma’r canlyniadau’n llawn a hefyd linc i chi wylio y perfformiadau. / Here are the results with links for you to see their performances. 

1af/1st – Can Actol
Hefyd, gwobr arbennig i’r perfformiwr gorau o fewn y gystadleuaeth Can Actol / Special prize for the best individual performer within the Can Actol competition – Sally Leach

1af/1st – Perfformiad Theatrig – Awen, Gruff, Sally a Thomas

2il/2nd – Alaw Werin – Awen

3ydd/3rd – Llefaru BL 3 a 4 – Ela Ellis

1af/1st – Deuawd Cerdd Dant – Awen ac Olive

Canlyniadau Celf a Chrefft / Arts and Crafts Results
2il/2nd – Llun 2D Bl 3 a 4 – Elis Ashford
3ydd/3rd – Argraffu Bl 3 a 4 – Soffi Jones
2il/2nd – Pyped Bl 2 ac iau – Ifan Derbyshire
1af/1st – Tecstiliau Bl 5 a 6 – Elis Ashford