Cefnogi Plant y Lluoedd Arfog Mewn Addysg / Supporting Service children in education

Os gwelwch yn dda, darllenwch y llythyr yn ofalus er mwyn i ni fel ysgol allu cefnogi Plant y Lluoedd Arfog.
Mae’r ffurflen hefyd wedi ei yrru fel dogfen Word os hoffech ei lenwi a’i ddychwelyd yn ddigidol.
Nid oes angen cwblhau’r ffurflen os nad yw’n berthnasol i chi.
Please read the letter carefully so we as a school can support Service Children. 
The form has also been sent as a Word document if you would like to complete and send it back digitally. 
There is no need to complete the form if it does not apply to you.