Bl 3 a 4 / Year 3 & 4

MaedisgyblionBlwyddyn3 a 4ynbwriadugwneud ychydigoweithgareddaucrefftynyrwythnosau nesafacrydymangencyflenwadobethauargyfer hyn.Osoesgennychunrhywfocsyscardfwrdd,potelibachplastig, henbapuraunewyddachylchgronau,afyddechcystala’uhanfonimewngyda’chplentynosgwelwchyndda.



Years 3 and 4 will be doing some craft activities in the next few weeks and we need some resources to assist us with this. If you have any cardboard boxes, small plastic bottles, newspapers and magazines please could you send them in with your child.

Many thanks,

Year 3 and 4 staff.

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