Bl 4 a 6/ Yr 4 and 6

Glan Llyn a Llangrannog
Mae dal nifer o rieni heb gwblhau y ffurfleni ar lein ar gyfer Glan Llyn Bl 4, a Llangrannog ar gyfer Bl 6. Rydym angen y wybodaeth yma a hefyd y blaen dal er mwyn cadranhau niferoedd os gwelwch yn dda. Os na fydd eich plentyn yn dod ar y daith, gofynnwn i chi lenwi’r ffurflen Forms i gadarnhau hynny hefyd. 

There are a still a number of parents that have not filled the online form to register their child for the Glan Llyn, Year 4 and Llangrannog, Year 6 trips. We need this information and the deposit asap so that we can confirm numbers please.  If your child will not be coming on the trip, we still ask that you fill in the Form to confirm this also please.

Linc Glan Llyn Link

Linc Llangrannog Link