Bore heddiw / This morning

Mae buarth yr ysgol dal yn llithrig bore ‘ma a heb doddi cymaint a roedden wedi ei obeithio, felly os gwelwch yn dda, gofynnwn i HOLL ddisgyblion clybiau brecwast a Bl 3, 4, 5 a 6 o 8.45 ymlaen ddod mewn i’r ysgol DRWY’R BRIF FYNEDFA unwaith eto fel Dydd Gwener.  Diolch am eich cyd-weithrediad.
The school yard is still extremely slippery this morning and has not melted as hoped, so we kindly ask that ALL children for Breakfast clubs and Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils from 8.45 onwards to please come through the MAIN ENTRANCE again as they did on Friday.  Thanks for your co-operation. 
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