Eisteddfod Treuddyn

Dymunwn yn dda i bawb sy’n cystadlu yn yr Eisteddfod fory. Dyma’r wybodaeth a yrrwyd allan ddechrau’r wythnos rhag ofn nad ydych wedi ei dderbyn. Good luck to all Ysgol Glanrafon pupils that are competing at Treuddyn Eisteddfod tomorrow. Here is the information that was sent out at the beginning of this week.

Plant mewn Angen / Children in Need

Byddwn yn cyhoeddi’r cyfanswm wythnos nesaf. Fel y gellwch ddychmygu, mae llawer o waith i gyfri’r holl arian. Diolch i chi am eich cyfraniadau. We will announce the total amount next week. As you can imagine, there’s a lot of money to count!!! Thank you for your donations.