
Please share with all your parents. Apologies for the lateness of this information. Welsh translation has just been returned. Can you please make a note when sending information out to parents of the following: Some of our sessions have unfortunately been fully booked due to high demand but where possible, we will try and add … Read more

Barti Ddu

Wel, dyna ddiwedd ar berfformiadau gwych gan blant CA2. Roedd pob un ohonynt yn haeddu trît bach ar ôl yr holl waith caled. Diolch i chi fel rhieni am eich cefnogaeth cyson. Cofiwch fod yna luniau gwych i weld yn yr Evening Leader. Barti Ddu is over and the children all deserved a treat and … Read more

Barti Ddu

Mae yna hen edrych ymlaen at heno a fory wrth i’r plant berfformio y sioe Barti Ddu. Mae’r plant wedi gweithio mor galed a rydym yn hynod o falch ohonynt. All the pupils are really looking forward to the performance tonight and tomorrow. They have all worked so hard and we are very proud of … Read more

Barti Ddu

Mae yna hen edrych ymlaen at heno a fory wrth i’r plant berfformio y sioe Barti Ddu. Mae’r plant wedi gweithio mor galed a rydym yn hynod o falch ohonynt. All the pupils are really looking forward to the performance tonight and tomorrow. They have all worked so hard and we are very proud of … Read more

Adran Iau / Juniors

Pwysig :- DIM ymarfer pêl droed ar ôl ysgol yfory. DIM côr ar ôl ysgol Dydd Mawrth ond mae ymarfer côr ar ôl ysgol Ddydd Mercher tan 4. Llythyr pwysig wedi mynd allan D Gwener gydag amseroedd cyrraedd ar gyfer sioe Barti Ddu. Important :- NO after school football training tomorrow for the Juniors. NO … Read more