Manylion Eisteddfod yr Urdd Details

Gweler manylion ac amseroedd ar gyfer Eisteddfod yr Urdd wythnos nesaf. Cofiwch hefyd am ein cyngerdd Nos Fercher yma yn yr ysgol. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school.  Please see the details and times for the Eisteddfod next week. Also, please remember about the concert at school this Wednesday. Os … Read more

Tîm Cefnogi Awtistiaeth / The Autism Support Team

Mae’r Tîm Cefnogi Awtistiaeth wedi llunio rhai adnoddau argraffadwy (tudalen 4) i helpu i ddysgu’ch plentyn/person ifanc i ddechrau deall ei emosiynau.  The Autism Support Team have put together some printable resources (page 4) to help teach your child/young person to start to understand their emotions.  Diolch

Cyngerdd yr Urdd

Dydd Mercher yma – Cofiwch gefnogi ein disgyblion talentog, gan hefyd fwynhau perfformiadau gan Ysgol Maes Garmon ac Adran yr Wyddgrug. Tocynnau ar gael o Swyddfa’r ysgol.  This Wednesday – Please come to support our talented pupils, and also to enjoy performances by Ysgol Maes Garmon and Adran yr Wyddgrug. Tickets available from the school … Read more

Clwb Brecwast / Breakfast Club

  Problem gyda’r Clwb brecwast  Rhaid archebu lle o flaenllaw Mae uchafswm o lefydd ar gael oherwydd lle a staffio Problem with the Breakfast Club You must book your child’s place beforehand There is a maximum number of spaces available due to staffing and space Diolch

Clwb Dawns/ Dance Club

Yn anffodus oherwydd salwch, mae Clwb Dawns wedi cael ei ohirio heno. Diolch                            Unfortunately due to illness, Theatr Clwyd Dance Club has been cancelled tonight.  Thank you


Dewch i gefnogi disgyblion yr Ysgol, yr Adran ac Ysgol Maes Garmon. Tocynnau ar gael o Swyddfa’r Ysgol.  Please come and support our pupils, the Adran and Ysgol Maes Garmon. Tickets available from the school office.  Cyngerdd-yr-Urdd.pdf