Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd 2023

Mae amserlen cystadlaethau yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol wedi ymddangos ar gwefan yr Urdd erbyn hyn. (Mae * wrth ochr pob cystadleuaeth ble mae cynrychiolaeth o’r ysgol yn cystadlu). Byddwn yn anfon mwy o wybodaeth allan am hyn yn fuan ond gweler yr atodaid i chi gael syniad pryd mae’r cystadlaethau. 
Rydym yn bwriadu cynnal cyngerdd buddugwyr er mwyn codi arian tuag at brynu tocynnau i’r plant sy’n cystadlu (tocyn plentyn yn costio £8 yr un). Bydd hwn yn debygol o fod Nos Fercher, Mai 24ain am 5.30 ond byddwn yn cadarnhau hyn yn fuan. 
The competitions timetable for the Urdd National Eisteddfod has appeared on their website. (A * is placed by each competition that we have Glanrafon pupils representing the school.) We will be sending more information regarding this very soon but please look at the timetable for you to have a rough idea what time the competitions are on. 
We are also hoping to arrange a concert so we can raise funds to buy tickets for the children to compete (a child’s ticket costs £8 each).  The concert is likely to be on Wednesday, May 24th at 5.30 but we will confirm this asap. 

pdf icon Amserlen-Urdd-2023.pdf