Mabolgampau / Sports Day

GOHIRIO – Mabolgampau 1 a 2 POSTPONED – Year 1 and 2 Sports Day
Rhaid gohirio y Mabolgampau ar gyfer Bl 1 a 2 bore ma oherwydd y glaw. Gobeithiwn y gallwn ail-drefnu ar gyfer bore Llun nesaf. 
Rydym yn cadw golwg manwl ar y tywydd ar gyfer prynhawn ma ond ar hyn o bryd, mae Mabolgampau Bl 5 a 6 dal ymlaen.
We have to cancel Year 1 and 2 Sports Day this morning due to the rain. We hope to be able to re-arrange for Monday morning. We’ll keep you posted. 
We will be keeping a close eye on the weather for this afternoon, but at present, Year 5 and 6 Sports is still on at 1.30. 
Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.