Meithrin, Derbyn & BL 1, Reception and Nursey Parents

Neges i’ch atgoffa. Fel rhan o’n gwaith dosbarth ddechrau’r tymor hwn, hoffem i’r disgyblion ddod a ffotograffau i’w trafod a’i defnyddio. Gallwch yrru hyd at 4 ffotograff e.e teulu, anifail anwes, diddordebau, hoff degan.

Hoffem i’r lluniau hyn gael eu hanfon i’r ysgol mor fuan a phosib og gwelwch yn dda. 

A reminder, as part of our class work this term we would like the pupils to bring in some photographs for us to use and discuss in class. A variety of up to 4 photos can be sent into school i.e family, pets, hobbies, favourite toys.

Diolch yn fawr am eich cydweithrediad.