
Please share with all your parents. Apologies for the lateness of this information. Welsh translation has just been returned. Can you please make a note when sending information out to parents of the following: Some of our sessions have unfortunately been fully booked due to high demand but where possible, we will try and add … Read more

Barti Ddu

Wel, dyna ddiwedd ar berfformiadau gwych gan blant CA2. Roedd pob un ohonynt yn haeddu trît bach ar ôl yr holl waith caled. Diolch i chi fel rhieni am eich cefnogaeth cyson. Cofiwch fod yna luniau gwych i weld yn yr Evening Leader. Barti Ddu is over and the children all deserved a treat and … Read more

Barti Ddu

Mae yna hen edrych ymlaen at heno a fory wrth i’r plant berfformio y sioe Barti Ddu. Mae’r plant wedi gweithio mor galed a rydym yn hynod o falch ohonynt. All the pupils are really looking forward to the performance tonight and tomorrow. They have all worked so hard and we are very proud of … Read more

Barti Ddu

Mae yna hen edrych ymlaen at heno a fory wrth i’r plant berfformio y sioe Barti Ddu. Mae’r plant wedi gweithio mor galed a rydym yn hynod o falch ohonynt. All the pupils are really looking forward to the performance tonight and tomorrow. They have all worked so hard and we are very proud of … Read more