Ymddeoliad Miss Joseph / Miss Joseph’s Retirement

Mae posib cyfrannu at gronfa ymddeoliad Miss Ann Joseph a hynny drwy SchoolComms neu drwy bwyso’r linc isod. Rhannwch gydag eraill os ydych eisiau. 
It is possible to donate to Miss Joseph’s retirement fund through School Comms or by following the link below. Please share the link with others. 

Help raise £250 to ar gyfer ymddeolaid Miss Ann Joseph o Ysgol Glanrafon. / Miss Ann Joseph’s Retirement from Ysgol Glanrafon. We’re raising money to ar gyfer ymddeolaid Miss Ann Joseph o Ysgol Glanrafon. / Miss Ann Joseph’s Retirement from Ysgol Glanrafon.. Support this JustGiving Crowdfunding Page. www.justgiving.com